Dr Andrew John Bond
Andrew Bond is a chartered civil engineer with 30 years’ experience in the field of geotechnical engineering design, analysis, and research. He has particular expertise in the behaviour of piled foundations and retaining structures, the design and development of computer software, all aspects of Eurocode 7, and the effective use of the Internet.
In June 2010 Andrew became Chairman of TC250/SC7 (the Eurocode 7 committee), following many years as a UK delegate on the same committee. He is a member of the B/525 and B/526, the BSI committees responsible for British Standards for construction, and is a former member of the UK’s National Strategy Committee for the Eurocodes.
Andrew is co-author of the book ‘Decoding Eurocode 7’ with Andrew Harris; co-author of BSI’s publication PP 1990 on the ‘Structural Eurocodes’; and co-author of the Concrete Centre’s ‘How to design concrete structures using Eurocode 2’. He is a former editor of the Procedeedings of the ICE, ‘Geotechnical Engineering’.
Andrew set up his own company, Geocentrix, in 1999, for whom he has developed the pile design program Repute® and delivered a wide range of Eurocode training courses and lectures, both publically and privately. In 2006, he set up Geomantix (with Andrew Harris), to provide specialist geotechnical consultancy services.
Andrew has created several web sites, including those for GCG, the International Society of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, the British Geotechnical Society, CIRIA’s Safegrounds Learning Network, and the Wheretogeo website. He has over 20 years’ experience of programming in C++, FORTRAN, HTML, CFML, and XML. From the early 1990s to 2011, he was a Visiting Lecturer at Surrey University, where he taught courses on software engineering, web technologies, and object-oriented programming with C++ to students on engineering and entrepreneurship degree courses.

Professor Dr. Dietmar Adam
Professor Dr. Dietmar Adam is Head of the Institute of Geotechnics at TU Wien, Head of the Research Unit of Ground Engineering, Soil and Rock Mechanics, and Head of the Soil Mechanics Laboratory (first chair Professor Karl von Terzaghi).
Since the early nineties he has gained wide academic, research and professional experience in civil and geotechnical engineering. He obtained his PhD from TU Wien in 1996 and completed his habilitation (post-doc studies) in 2002. In 2008 he was appointed Full Professor for Ground Engineering, Soil and Rock Mechanics. From the beginning of his academic career in 1992 he has been involved in research and application of Roller-integrated Continuous Compaction Control (CCC) respective Intelligent Compaction (IC) and since then he is one of the international key proponents of CCC/IC.
His main research interests and current research activities cover theoretical and experimental soil dynamics, compaction and compaction control, ground improvement, deep vibro compaction, innovative geo-materials, railway tamping, ground freezing, and thermo-active foundations, structures and tunnels. He initiated numerous national and international research projects with pioneering findings. He is mentioned as inventor in numerous patent specifications.
His research is reflected in 300+ publications in International Journals and Conference Proceedings and more than 250 invitations to presentations, keynote and special lectures at International Conferences in the field of Geotechnical Engineering in about 80 countries. Since 1992 he received several awards for his scientific achievements, amongst others the Austrian State Award for sustainability in climate protection for transportation technologies.
He is the Secretary of the Austrian National Committee of the ISSMGE and active in numerous national and international standards and guidelines committees, member of several «Technical Committees» of the ISSMGE, as well as expert of the commission of large dams and authorized tunneling expert of the Republic of Austria. He has also been a member of advisory boards, scientific committees and paper review committees of numerous international conferences worldwide, and a member of editorial boards and peer review committees of international scientific journals. He is Editor of the prestigious journal BAUINGENIEUR.
His consulting activities are characterized by a high degree of internationality; he has been fully responsible for 1,000+ projects in civil engineering, geotechnical and environmental engineering in more than 40 countries all over the globe.